Not Friday Funnies, Not Monday Mirth; ‘Cause Tuesday Tickles

I know I don’t have to talk about 2020; no one has been untouched by the ongoing trials of our newest decade. I’m sure not going to talk about them on my birthday. Na ah, nope.

I’d considered posting the poetry that longs for attention, but I have been unable to tease it out yet from under its Covid mask. So, that leaves the only possible lighter standard that I can muster – desperate humor. Meme humor. So, laugh or fight me. Either way, this ship is sailing…

I can’t believe I’ve been doing them wrong ALL THIS TIME!
Give it a minute…
Well, I’m high and M hmm, yep. (No, I’m not, mom).

So, OK, yeah, we can address the elephant in the room…

“Just working my way into your social bubble, Diane”.
Doh! … OK, back to the sea…
Well, this post just went down the toilet, so…

So, I better quit while I’m partially ahead. Thank you to my loved ones for your kindnesses and generosity this past trip around the sun. Thank you to my pals in this forum, your support is always a hug I will never tire of. Wishing everyone a week of uplift whenever and wherever those moments allow.

Keep safe.


18 thoughts on “Not Friday Funnies, Not Monday Mirth; ‘Cause Tuesday Tickles

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