Natural Progress

Summer haikus; poetic respite in between the cares and the concerns of Spring and the prep work for Fall…

Photos from my first attempt at a deck garden.

Green bean sprout

Delicacies reign
Effortless sustenance hails
Tendril-loving care


Wild flowers

Seedy flirtations
Lusciously coloring life
Carelessly strewn joy


Green onion flower; sweet seeds

Allium cepa
Flavorful accessory
Verdant stems of pride


Goth petunias
Black velvet grows in boxes
Textural wealth


Tobacco flowers/seeds

Future offerings
Seeds of faith, promise & love
Gratitude’s bounty


20 thoughts on “Natural Progress

  1. wow you really have a stunning array of flowers and colours!

    Bountiful beauty at it’s best and your haiku reflects the love and joy
    … take care precious 🙂

    This post warmed my heart ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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