Friday Funnies; ‘Cause It’s My Anniversary & I Can Fun If I Want To

It’s getting close to that green time of year again, and by green, I mean green beer, green rivers, green paraphernalia of assorted insanity, and oh yeah, Spring.

It’s also my 6th year of using this platform to assuage my compulsions to opine and write, which for some reason I decided to launch on March 17th. Maybe it was after a couple green beers; I don’t know, but here I still am.  I remain absolutely grateful to those who follow and especially so for those who have stuck around all this time. I couldn’t be more thankful for your support, wisdom and kindnesses through every bump and grind I’ve written about, and in sharing a laugh or two. I hope today’s merry mirth wins a smile from you too…

What? You’ve never seen a coyotree before? (If you want to see a canine pick apples, video here )

Ooooh, if only I had known to ask for specifics….

That lamp looks pissed

I honestly don’t know what to say about this life-size crocheted replica of a woman and her dog… Do you hang it over your fireplace mantle?

Every woman I’ve ever known…

I need this guy.

Beat this, Jenny Craig!

Ah, to hell with it; cut wherever you want

Musical  interlude:

Yup, we could say, Baby got back.


Happy weekend, all. May the road not meet your face too quickly on Sunday.



14 thoughts on “Friday Funnies; ‘Cause It’s My Anniversary & I Can Fun If I Want To

    • Thank you, my friend. It’s been difficult to get back here to blog land for awhile, but I do so enjoy it when I can. I appreciate your posts very much too. Thanks again, and have an awesome rest of the week. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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